In memoriam Helmut Sinzinger
I am a prof. of Radiology, Radiation Oncology and Urology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Helmut was a dearest friend of mine for a long time and I could not resist my temptations to share with you here the following few words.
I first met Helmut as a young physician when he attended a conference, I had held in August 1983 in Maratea, Southern Italy. This was a 2 week conference was sponsored by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) to disseminate the techniques and possible medical applications of autologous blood cell, labeled with a radioactive tracer, a technique I and my colleagues have invented a few years earlier. At our very first encounter, I was impressed with Helmut’s deep interest in the field and admired his insight into it. I quickly recognized the ability of this young physician as my partner to advance this very novel medical field. It was like a love at first sight. This love grew very strongly and exponentially with our frequent encounters for the next few years which then led us to the formation of an International organization, ISORBE, in 1989, to formally promote the field.
ISORBE is registered in Vienna.
Not only was Helmut its second president, after me, but remained its treasurer and one of the most active advocates of ISOBE till his last breath.
Helmut combined his professional interests in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of arthrosclerosis with the principles and potential applications of ISORBE and contributed to its birth, growth and worldwide education. Through these activities not only did Helmut travel throughout the world but also made so many dear friends, all of whom will miss him dearly.
To me Helmut was the closest family friend with whom, I shared frequently, all my thoughts and ideas about and for ISORBE and had countless discussions. He was a compassionate physician, tireless investigator and a dedicated promoter of ISORBE. Creative by nature and hardworking by habit, Dr. Sinzinger, accomplished enormously as a physician and as a physician scientist. Focused on advances in diagnostic nuclear medicine and molecular imaging of atherosclerosis, he published more than 800 papers and abstracts in peer reviewed journals, received more than 5000 citations, and made more than 175 invited presentations at national and international congresses and universities. He travelled throughout the world. His contributions were deeply appreciated by his peers for which he received numerous awards. He edited 4 books, served on the Editorial board of 23 scientific journals and reviewed articles for 27 additional journals. Individuals like Helmut are rare to be seen and I feel fortunate to call him as my dear friend. Just a couple of months prior to his demise, I talked to him over the phone from the USA and had planned to fly to Vienna and see him in person. However the Lord had a different plan.
Helmut, my dear friend will remain in my memory throughout the rest of my life, as he will remain in the memory of many of you gathered here.
On behalf of ISORBE, I want Helmut to know that all the members of ISORBE and its entire leadership, are thankful to your love and dedication to ISORBE and will miss you dearly.
You were a bright star and although you are no longer with us bodily, your bright light will shine in front of our eyes for decades to come!
Mathew Thakur
In deep grief
In deep sadness we announce that our long-standing colleague and friend Helmut Sinzinger left us on February 21, 2020 after a serious illness. Helmut Sinzinger was a pioneer in nuclear medicine. He has played a major role in the international development of radiolabeling of blood cells and has also made a significant contribution to the treatment of pain with radionuclides. Helmut Sinzinger released about 1500 publications and was a co-founder, president and board member of many scientific societies and a consultant to more than 30 scientific journals.
In gratitude for the time together we take leave.
Our sincere condolecences go out to his partner and friends.

18th ISORBE meeting Israel 2019
On March 7-9th, 2019 the Joint Meeting of the Israeli Society of Nuclear Medicine (ISNM) & International Society of Radiolabeled Elements (ISORBE) was successfully held in the Neve Ilan Hotel, Israel. The objective of the conference was to review important clinical aspects and uses of nuclear medicine in medical imaging, for a variety of different diseases. This conference provided a great platform for physicians, radiologists, technologists, physicists, radiochemists and radiopharmacists, as well as other scientists to come together and share their knowledge and ideas in this significant field of medicine.
ISORBE was well represented at this year’s conference with several members giving talks on a variety of infection and inflammation topics.
We would like to thank and congratulate the organizers of the joint meeting, in particular Prof. Zvi Bar-Sever, Prof. Ora Israel and Prof. Mike Sathekge on a job well done!

18th ISORBE meeting Israel 2019
Dear ISORBE colleagues,
Please be advised that registration for the 2019 Joint Meeting of the Israeli Society of Nuclear Medicine (ISNM) & International Society of Radiolabeled Elements (ISORBE) is in progress.
Early-bird registration has been extended to January 15, 2019 so don‘t forget to register by then!
The meeting will take place on March 7th-9th in the Neve Ilan Hotel, Israel.
Below you will find the preliminary program and the rates list.
Registration will end on January 31st, 2019.
For early bird registration please Click here!
If you need help planning your visit to Israel, extending your stay, booking your flights or any further information
Please do not hesitate to contact

ISORBE Members Recent Accomplishments
Putthiporn Charoenphun:
28th Annual EANM Conference (Hamburg, Germany, October 2015)
– Influence of geometry on the measurement of an alpha emitter radionuclide, Ra – 233.K.Thongklam,P.Charoenphun
Fany Ekoume:
28th Annual EANM Conference (Hamburg, Germany, October 2015)
– Assessment of microbiological monitoring for the evaluation of GMP-compliance at a department of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging of the University Medical Center Groningen. M. Beugeling, F. Ekoume, H. J. Woerdenbag, G. Luurtsema, M. N. Lub-de Hooge, D. J. Touw, S. M. Rubow, H. H. Boersma
Edel Noriega:
– 28th Annual EANM Conference (Hamburg, Germany, October 2015)
– M2M – Featured: Molecular & Multimodality Imaging: PSMA
– 35° Congredo Sociedad Espãnola de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular (SEMNIM) (Burgos 17-19 Junio 2015)
– Results of the survey about the use of SPECT-CT in bone pathology in Spain during 2012. 2015. Médecine Nucléaire; 39: 419-478
– Hipoestesia mentoniana como manifestación de metástasis mandibular diagnosticada en la gammagrafía ósea. “Numb chin” syndrome as a manifestation of jaw metastasis diagnosed in a bone scan. 2015. Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen molecular. (accepted pending publication)
XXV Alasbimn Congress (Punta del Este, Uruguay, 18-21/november/2015):
– Corrección por decaimiento en el diagnóstico de las infecciones osteoarticulares con leucocitos marcados con 99mtc-hmpao
– La gammagrafía con leucocitos marcados con corrección del tiempo de adquisición por decay a las 8 o 24 horas y su papel en el diagnóstico de infección osteoarticular
Biennial 17th Conference of ISORBE (Izmir, Turkey, march 4-8, 2015):
– SPECT_CT in bone infection
– Imaging techniques for assessment of inflammatory bowel disease
XXV Alasbimn Congress (Punta del Este, Uruguay, 18-21/november/2015)
– Concordancia Inter-Observador En La Valoración Visual De Imágenes Planares En La Gammagrafías Con Leucocitos Marcados En Pacientes Con Material De Osteosíntesis
Edel Noriega Álvarez; María Teresa Bajén Lázaro; Ana María Benítez Segura; Alba Rodríguez-Gasén; Pablo Saldaña; Oriol Puig Calvo; Guillermo Alfredo Martínez Pimienta; María Pilar Boya Román; Jaime Mora Salvadó
28th Annual EANM Conference (Hamburg, Germany, October 2015)
– 99mTc-HMPAO white blood cell labelled scintigraphy in patient with osteosynthesis material and interobserver reproducibility. E. Noriega, M. Bajén Lázaro, A. Benítez Segura, A. Rodríguez- Gas.n, P. Saldaña, O. Puig Calvo, G. Martínez Pimienta, M. Boya Román, J. Mora Salvadó
– Contribution of labelled leukocytes scintigraphy with decay correction at 8 or 24 hours in the diagnosis of osteoarticular infection. J. Rodríguez-Rubio Corona, E. Noriega Álvarez, I. Gil Viciano, A. Rodríguez-Gasén, A. Benítez-Segura, I. Romero-Zayas, G. Martínez-Pimienta, M. Boya-Román, M. Roca Engronyat.
35º Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular (SEMNIM) (Burgos, 17-19 Junio/2015)
– Análsis de la concordancia inter-observador en la interpretación de las imágenes planares de gammagradías con leucocitos marcados. Edel Noriega Álvarez, María Teresa Bajén Lázaro, Ana Benítez Segura, Alba Rodríguez-Gasén, Pablo Saldaña Gutiérrez, Oriol Puig Calvo, Guillermo Martínez Pimienta, María Pilar Boya Román, Jaume Mora Salvadó
– Aportación de la gammerfía con leucocitos marcados con correccíon de decaimento a las 8 o 24 horas en el diagnostic de la infección osteoarticular. Julio Rodríguez-Rubio Corona, Edel Noriega Álvarez, Isabel Gil Viciano, Alba Rodríguez-Gasén, Ana Benítez Segura, Inmaculada Romero Zayas, Guillermo Martínez Pimienta, María Pilar Boya Román, Manel Roca Engronyat
Mike Sathekge:
28th Annual EANM Conference (Hamburg, Germany, October 2015)
– Imaging Infection in the Immunocompromised Patient- “Imaging Infection in the HIV positive patient”
– “Korea Night” at the EANM October 13, 2015
– Presidential Invitation at EANM October 12, 2015
Helmut Sinzinger:
3rd International Medical Olympiad (Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2-4 2015)
– In-111-polyclonal HIG identifies patients but not atherosclerotic lesions at risk-a 5 years follow-up. H. Sinzinger et al. (Winner of the first prize for the contribution to the “Diagnosis of Atherosclerotic Lesions” )
Victoria Soroa:
IPET (Vienna, Austria, October 5-9 2015)
The sum is more than the parts in PET/CT´- Poster 10
Matthew Thakur:
Named „Distinguished Investigator of the Academy of Radiology Research” by the Academy of Radiology Research in 2015
Cooperation with the IAEA – IPET 2015 – Vienna 5-9th October 2015
This year’s IPET-2015 (PET–CT in the Era of Multimodality Imaging and Image Guided Therapy) was held in Vienna, Austria, organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The objective of the conference was to review important clinical aspects and uses of medical imaging, namely PET and PET-CT for the spectrum of cancer management, as well as other diseases. This conference is important, as it is a platform for physicians, radiologists, technologists, physicists, radiochemists and radiopharmacists, as well as other scientists to come together and share their knowledge and ideas in this significant field of medicine.
ISORBE was well represented at this year’s IPET with our president giving two presentations and chairing two sessions. In addition, a session on infection and inflammation imaging was very well received, with our president Mike Sathekge providing a lecture on SPECT and PET Imaging in Infection and Inflammation, as well as PET/CT Imaging in Tuberculosis and HIV Tuberculosis.
Overall, the conference was a success with intriguing discussions, passing of knowledge, and collaborations being born.
We would like to thank and congratulate the organizers of IPET-2015 on a job well done!

IAEA booklet
This is to inform you that the booklet, who is the external contribution of the ISORBE members A.Ellman, C. Palestro, H. Sinzinger and V. Soroa, just appeared and is available now!